Residents’ Parking Schemes

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is responsible for on-street parking in the county. It may delegate execution of that responsibility to district councils or employ contractors like Conduent. OCC published a Parking Policy in 2014.

Para 6.6:

“A small scheme has been introduced in Bicester and further schemes are under consideration in Banbury. There are also small schemes in Henley on Thames and Abingdon.

Charges will be made for residents, business and visitor parking permits. Blue Badge Holders are exempt from payment.

Arrangements are available for carers, builders, removals and funerals.

The number of permits available to individual households and to businesses will be determined by the local circumstances in each zone.”

Bicester residents' parking scheme

I have extracted parts of the information which may apply to any scheme we want to promote.

“Resident's parking scheme explanatory notes

1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023

The following information outlines the Scheme for Residents’ Parking in Bicester. The scheme will operate on a 24-hour 7 day a week basis.

Who is an Eligible Resident?

An Eligible Resident for the purposes of this parking scheme is a person whose principal residence is a dwelling at one of the eligible properties listed below.

Eligible properties for permits [nine roads are listed]

Off road parking – Effect on eligibility

Any Eligible Property which has (or in the future acquires) an off-street parking place (e.g. hard standing driveway or garage) at the property for one vehicle will be limited to one Residents’ Permit. If the off- street parking can accommodate more than one vehicle, the property will not be /will cease to be eligible for any Residents’ Permits.

Permitted Vehicles


How to obtain a Residents’ and /or Visitors’ Permit

If you are an Eligible Resident who is the owner or registered keeper of a Permitted Vehicle you may apply to the Council for a resident’s permit in respect of your vehicle. No more than 2 Residents’ Permits will be issued per property.

You may also apply for Resident/visitor permits online, these will only be issued to eligible residents.


Where can an Eligible Resident or a visitor park and for how long?

Residents’ Permit holders and their visitors displaying a valid permit will be able to park in specific areas signed as “Residents’ Permit Holders Only”. There is no time limit for vehicles displaying a valid Resident’s Permit. Visitors are only permitted to park for up to 24 hours per visitor permit used. The issuing of a permit does not guarantee that a space will always be available. The existing waiting restrictions in the remaining length of streets will continue to apply to residents, their visitors, and other motorists. Permit holders may not use Pay and Display spaces without payment of the appropriate parking charges unless specifically authorised by the Council.


Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO) will enforce the parking scheme. ….

Cost of Residents Permits - Cost per month [this seems to be an error]

Month of application Cost

April £66.00

May £61.63

June £57.67

July £53.50

August £49.33

September £45.17

October £41.00

November £36.83

December £32.67

January £28.50

February £24.33

March £20.17

Permit fees include an administration charge of £16.00

Visitors Permits

25 Visitors Permits = £12.50. Visitors Permits may be purchased by eligible residents on a pro-rata basis up to a maximum of 100 per property. However, for each holder of a Residents’ Permit there is an eligibility of up to 50 of these permits free of charge…..’’

There are references on to Residents’ parking schemes in Abingdon and Henley. Information is difficult to uncover. I was told that Conduent were running parking for OCC. I did come across this on Henley Town Council’s web site: